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Pro Bono: LCCRSF Report on the Role of Race in Non-Traffic Citations

Cornerstone Research provided pro bono analytical support for the LCCRSF’s report on racial disparities in non-traffic infractions.


Pro Bono: Booth et al. v. Galveston County et al.

Cornerstone Research assisted the ACLU in retrieving and classifying data on the alleged offense, bail amount set, and case outcome.


Pro Bono: Brown et al. v. Madison County, Mississippi

The groundbreaking consent decree approved by the USDC for the Southern District of Mississippi mandates new policies to address racial profiling by the county’s Sheriff’s Department.


Pro Bono: LCCRSF Investigation into School Discipline Policies

Cornerstone Research provided pro bono analytical support for the LCCRSF’s review of behavior intervention policies in a California public school district.

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