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  • Life Sciences
Showing 1 - 12 of 39

Tevra Brands LLC v. Bayer Healthcare LLC

A jury awarded the defendant a complete victory at trial in this antitrust litigation involving allegations of anticompetitive exclusive dealing in the market for flea and tick medications.


Ciccio et al. v. SmileDirectClub LLC et al.

Class certification was denied in this false advertising matter.


Value Drug Company v. Takeda Pharmaceuticals U.S.A. Inc. et al.

Laurence Baker testified during a rare antitrust trial centering on the allegation that a brand manufacturer conspired with three generics to allocate the market for gout medication colchicine.


In re Novartis and Par Antitrust Litigation

Novartis reached settlements with plaintiffs in this reverse payment matter.


Amgen Inc.’s Acquisition of Horizon Therapeutics plc

The FTC approves Amgen’s $28B purchase of Horizon.


In re HIV Antitrust Litigation

The jury found in favor of the defense concluding, consistent with Dr. Saravia’s testimony, that the settlement contained no payment for delay.


Federal Trade Commission v. 1-800 Contacts

The Second Circuit Court of Appeals overturned an FTC decision regarding trademark enforcement against online competitors.


Alleged Failure to Disclose Drug Safety Issues

Cornerstone Research was retained by a pharmaceutical company facing securities litigation after it withdrew a drug from the market because of safety concerns.


ICC Arbitration Involving Commercially Reasonable Efforts to Develop and Commercialize a Drug

An ICC arbitration tribunal determined that the claimant did not materially breach its license agreement with the respondent, leaving the agreement in full effect.


In re Niaspan Antitrust Litigation

The judge denied class certification in this pharmaceutical pay-for-delay multidistrict litigation.


In re Intuniv Antitrust Litigation

The judge denied class certification in this pharmaceutical pay-for-delay case brought by a class of indirect purchasers.


Cigna’s Acquisition of Express Scripts

The parties completed a $67 billion merger after receiving clearance from the U.S. Department of Justice and state departments of insurance.

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