Roy J. Shanker

  • Consultant in Energy Markets

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Roy Shanker consults for a variety of entities in the energy industry, including electric utilities and suppliers, industrial concerns, project financing interests, project developers, demand response participants, and regulators. Dr. Shanker has participated in initial market designs, the current market restructurings, regional transmission organization (RTO) proposals, general regulatory proceedings, contract negotiations related to independent power producers (IPPs), development of new facilities, and a broad range of electric market transactions. His work as a consultant spans over forty years and hundreds of engagements.

Dr. Shanker has served as a testifying and consulting expert in numerous cases before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) including those addressing claims of market manipulation. He has provided testimony in U.S. district courts, U.S. bankruptcy court, and state courts. In cases related to electric market pricing and electrical transmission, Dr. Shanker has participated as an amicus curiae for briefs filed in federal courts and submitted to the U.S. Supreme Court.


Counterfactual Models: A Key Tool in Energy Price Disputes