Characteristics of U.S. Natural Gas Transactions
Cornerstone Research compiles an annual report based on data from FERC Form 552 submissions.
Characteristics of U.S. Natural Gas Transactions: Insights from FERC Form 552 Submissions as of July 17, 2024
Total trading volume increased for the ninth consecutive year, while the percentage of volume as a share of volume continued to decline.
Price Differences within Retail Gasoline Markets
The authors review pricing strategies for fueling stations and examine related price differentials within gasoline markets.
U.S. Natural Gas Marketed Production Reaches Record Highs
Ukraine War contributes to substantial increase in U.S. LNG exports to Europe.
Characteristics of U.S. Natural Gas Transactions: Insights from FERC Form 552 Submissions as of July 17, 2023
Our latest report found that marketed production of natural gas reached record highs in the United States in 2022 as the U.S. became one of the leading exporters of liquefied…
Q&A with Joanna Tsai
WWL interviewed Joanna Tsai of Cornerstone Research about working at the FTC, the evolution of merger analysis, and her advice for aspiring competition economists.
Counterfactual Models: A Key Tool in Energy Price Disputes
This article discuss methodological considerations in selecting an appropriate model to estimate counterfactual prices in energy markets.
Cornerstone Research Once Again Named “Go-To Thought Leader” by National Law Review
Cornerstone Research is recognized by the National Law Review as a “go-to thought leader" in data privacy and energy and commodities law.
From Zero to 100: Crude Oil Price Changes in 2020–2022
This article provides analysis of the market microstructure implications of oil futures and spot prices for market participants.
Energy Industry Arbitration
The arbitration panel ruled that the energy company was owed the entire amount of tortious interference damages that Professor Johnson calculated.
Characteristics of U.S. Natural Gas Transactions: FERC Form 552 Submissions as of July 2021
Marketed production of natural gas decreased slightly in the United States in 2020 but remained near the previous year’s record-high levels.
U.S. Natural Gas Physical Trading Volume and Marketed Production Remain High
COVID-19 pandemic contributed to a decrease in energy consumption in 2020.
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